It happens to the best of us. Parenting is not easy, so in order to keep things from going crazy it’s important to make time for your own needs. It can help alleviate and redirect stress which will make everyone a lot happier! Here are some tips to help avoid parental exhaustion and keep your sanity!

  1. Exercise – This is an important one and one many people dread! Keeping up your own psychical fitness helps elevate your mood and keep anxiety at bay. You can keep it simple, walk around your local park, run up and down your stairs or check our YouTube for some great free workouts.
  2. Find a hobby – what were you interested in before you had children? Reignite the spark and find time to do it regularly. You are still a person with separate interests and talents. Spend time doing what makes you happy!
  3. Pamper yourself – if you can make the time and spare some money, get a fresh manicure, grab a coffee with friends or buy yourself something that will make you happy.
  4. Have quiet time – kids and adults alike need a break during the day. Depending on the age of your child, have them take a nap or spend quiet time in their room reading books or colouring. When quiet time is happening, have yours too! Refocus your energy and center yourself to be more present for your kids and yourself… the laundry can wait!
  5. Schedule a date night – it’s important to stay connected to your partner. Schedule a few nights each month to get out. You could trade babysitting with a friend – who knows, they probably need it too! If you can’t find a sitter, leave your partner at home and take a date night with yourself, some alone time may be just what you need.
  6. Learn to say NO – if you are feeling overwhelmed, you don’t have to agree to everything you are asked. Someone before you probably said no too and is basking in the glorious extra time they have.
  7. Adjust your to do list – Take a look at your to-do-list and allow yourself to ignore non-essential stuff and/or things that are not time sensitive. You don’t have to get everything done in one day.
  8. Ask for help – it’s ok to ask for help and it’s important. Ask family and friends to help watch your kids for an hour so you can run errands or cook dinner. You’ll be surprised to find out that people will be happy to help, but they won’t know unless you ask.

With some practice and a little creativity, you can avoid getting to the point of exhaustion. Not only will you feel happier, your happier attitude will be appreciated by those around you too!

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